The purpose of this book is to lay the groundwork for the analysis and the design of processes with a view to energetic efficiency. Energetics is used in the original sense of the engineer W. J. M. Rankine (Proc. Roy. Philosoph. Soc. of Glasgow III, 381 1955]) and the physical chemist J. N. Br3nsted (Principles and Problems in Energetics, Interscience, New York, 1955), i.e., the macroscopic description of the flows of different forms of energy, and the general laws governing the mutual transforma tions of these flows. The prerequisite for the use of the book is a conventional course in...
The purpose of this book is to lay the groundwork for the analysis and the design of processes with a view to energetic efficiency. Energetics is used...
This book is the first volume of a new ser ies on solar energy researeh and developnent whieh is earried out in the European Communi ty. The Commission of the European Cammunity's Directorate General (XII) for Researeh, Scienee and Edueation is eurrently implementing, on a eost-sharing hasis, a solar energy R+D programme through eontraets wi th European industry, researeh institutions and universities. This programme eovers the following sectors: Project A Solar Energy Applieations to Dwellings project B Thermo-mech. Solar Power Plants project C Photovoltaie Power Generation project D...
This book is the first volume of a new ser ies on solar energy researeh and developnent whieh is earried out in the European Communi ty. The Commissio...