La Inteligencia Artificial es un area muy estudiada hoy en dia en muchos paises por cualquier cantidad de personas, pero no todas estudian lo mismo, hay personas que se inclinan por la Robotica, unos por la Heuristica, otros por los Sistemas Expertos, otros por las Redes Neurales y muchos por los sistemas de informacion(S.I); todos estos son ramas de la Inteligencia Artificial. Estos ultimos, los SI son los que en este proyecto se estudiaran a fondo para disenar un SI para la concesion de creditos habitacionales otorgados por una entidad bancaria (en Venezuela). El objetivo de este proyecto...
La Inteligencia Artificial es un area muy estudiada hoy en dia en muchos paises por cualquier cantidad de personas, pero no todas estudian lo mismo, h...
Our Spiritual Truths is for all spiritual seekers who want to take control of their lives. If you wish to enjoy life, expand your spiritual perspectives, overcome life's challenges, and evolve personally, all while contributing to the creation of an evolved society, Our Spiritual Truths is the book for you right now.
By using the intuitive insights and spiritual experiences the author shares in this book, you can become who you came to be. You can help to end global suffering and bring unity and oneness to this world.
Carlos is an evolved being who came to earth to share...
Our Spiritual Truths is for all spiritual seekers who want to take control of their lives. If you wish to enjoy life, expand your spiritual perspec...
William L. Bandy Juanjo Danobeitia Carlos Gutierrez
Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific Margin presents a collection of 22 studies by a multinational group of investigators whose common interest is to better understand the complex geodynamic processes occurring along the Pacific margin of Latin America and the impact that these processes have on the local populace.
Geodynamics of the Latin American Pacific Margin presents a collection of 22 studies by a multinational group of investigators whose common interest i...
This book explores the current trends and challenges of sustainable goat meat and milk production in different global contexts, providing valuable insights into this industry in adverse environments like mountain, semiarid and arid regions.
This book explores the current trends and challenges of sustainable goat meat and milk production in different global contexts, providing valuable ins...