Based upon historical fact, this novel tells the story of Zee James, wife of the notorious American outlaw Jesse James. Written in diary format, The Outlaw's Wife is a look at one of the West's most famous figures through the eyes of his beloved bride..
Based upon historical fact, this novel tells the story of Zee James, wife of the notorious American outlaw Jesse James. Written in diary format, The O...
Crashing cars, roping wild animals in Africa, jumping off cliffs and getting shot off of horses as bombs explode is all in a day's work for a stuntman in Hollywood, and taking the Lord along has made it all possible for Mickey Gilbert. He's been in the movie business since the 1960s, working as a stuntman, stunt coordinator and a second-unit director on some of the most memorable films Hollywood has ever produced. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Wild Bunch, The Last of the Mohicans, The Electric Horseman, City Slickers and The Blues Brothers are just a few of the titles in his...
Crashing cars, roping wild animals in Africa, jumping off cliffs and getting shot off of horses as bombs explode is all in a day's work for a stuntman...