Margaret Ashmun's 1925 novel for young girls, No School To-morrow, is a charming and evocative depiction of an American school vacation from 90 years ago. It begins on that first day in June, when "the long vacation lies before you, going on and on, almost forever." Nine-year-old Louise Martin has no end of things to occupy her, whether playing with her friends or her cat Flora, going swimming, reading books, picking strawberries, or playing in the barn. There are movies to see, boat rides to enjoy, bonfires, fireworks, and picnics. And just like today -- the days go faster and faster...
Margaret Ashmun's 1925 novel for young girls, No School To-morrow, is a charming and evocative depiction of an American school vacation from 90...
Margaret Ashmun s 1925 novel for young girls, No School To-morrow, is a charming and evocative depiction of an American school vacation from 90 years ago. It begins on that first day in June, when the long vacation lies before you, going on and on, almost forever. Nine-year-old Louise Martin has no end of things to occupy her, whether playing with her friends or her cat Flora, going swimming, reading books, picking strawberries, or playing in the barn. There are movies to see, boat rides to enjoy, bonfires, fireworks, and picnics. And just like today the days go faster and faster as the...
Margaret Ashmun s 1925 novel for young girls, No School To-morrow, is a charming and evocative depiction of an American school vacation from 90 years ...