Frank Murray opens the narrative with a history of acupuncture, then co-author Dr. Jun Xu explains how acupunctures "magic needles" release a natural energy that can alleviate even longstanding health conditions - including asthma, bronchitis, substance abuse, headaches, and hypertension. He continues with a discussion of how acupuncture works, what conditions are most responsive to it, and which treatments are approved by physicians and health organziations. Case histories, tips for practitioners, a glossary of terms, and a reference section is included.
Frank Murray opens the narrative with a history of acupuncture, then co-author Dr. Jun Xu explains how acupunctures "magic needles" release a natural ...
This comprehensive volume spotlights the latest research into how and why the much-maligned and misunderstood Vitamin D is finally coming into its own, and how to gain the greatest benefits from it. Vitamin D keeps a range of chronic and life-threatening diseases at bay.
This comprehensive volume spotlights the latest research into how and why the much-maligned and misunderstood Vitamin D is finally coming into its own...