Nightlife and Crime is a collection of scholarly reports on crime and disorder in the Night Time Economies (NTEs) of 17 countries. This innovative volume provides an outward looking and international perspective on the area in an accessible and thought-provoking style. The issues raised in Nightlife and Crime go the heart of contemporary debates on 'binge-drinking' and anti-social behavior which have been heavily debated in Britain following the implementation of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. Such themes are also at the forefront of public policy discourse...
Nightlife and Crime is a collection of scholarly reports on crime and disorder in the Night Time Economies (NTEs) of 17 countries. This innovative vol...
It is the day before Christmas Eve and things are not going well in The Magic Kingdom at the North Pole. The elves are threatening to go on strike for more perks and concessions. Santa has to do something or Christmas could be ruined for millions around the world. He has to leave the Magic Kingdom to negotiate with his manager who is situated in the South Pole at the National Offices of the Ultimate Services on Earth. The meeting does not go well and when he leaves to return home a plot is hatched to ensure that he never arrives, ever. After having to crash land in Florida, Santa has to wait...
It is the day before Christmas Eve and things are not going well in The Magic Kingdom at the North Pole. The elves are threatening to go on strike for...