Theory of Numbers is a carefully written textbook for an elementary number theory course with minimal prerequisites. It begins with the classical theory of divisibility, primes, and modular arithmetic; and ends with computational topics of factorization, pseudoprimes, and primality testing. Ideal for self-study or for a one-semester course, the relatively small, measured contents include numerous exercises strategically dispersed throughout the text in order to retain theoretical context and reinforce understanding. As an extended workout, every chapter concludes with a partially guided...
Theory of Numbers is a carefully written textbook for an elementary number theory course with minimal prerequisites. It begins with the classical theo...
This book serves a semester course in Discrete Mathematics, covering selected topics in number theory, logic and proofs, set theory, combinatorics, and graph theory. Although small in size, the text is quite self-contained and rigorous, loaded with worked examples and exercises, including many multiple-choice questions to inspire a possible practice exam for students preparing for the Major Field Test.
This book serves a semester course in Discrete Mathematics, covering selected topics in number theory, logic and proofs, set theory, combinatorics, an...