Greeting cards today are an extension of the person giving the card, a way to express personal style and taste. This book profiles over 160 beautiful color images of artwork from 52 contemporary greeting card and stationery designers, complete with contact information so you too can enjoy their innovative work firsthand without searching far and wide. Each artist has a unique and modern approach to designing for handwritten correspondence. They are trendsetters in the stationery arena. These designs will truly inspire and delight all who enjoy letter writing and keeps a "stash" of greeting...
Greeting cards today are an extension of the person giving the card, a way to express personal style and taste. This book profiles over 160 beautiful ...
This book contains the work of 52 new stationery artists and over 350 vibrant color photos of their imaginative work. Short artist biographies and 16 in-depth feature interviews with various stationers provide readers with insight into their inspiration and business. Valuable tips are provided for starting your own stationery company. Graphic art designs are small and personal.
This book contains the work of 52 new stationery artists and over 350 vibrant color photos of their imaginative work. Short artist biographies and 16 ...