The 14th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cr- tology and Information Security-ASIACRYPT 2008-was held in Melbourne during December 7-11,2008.Theconferencewassponsoredbythe International Associationfor CryptologicResearch(IACR) in cooperationwith the Center for AdvancedComputing -CryptographyandAlgorithms(ACAC), MacquarieU- versity, Deakin University, the ResearchNetwork for a Secure Australia (RNSA) andSECIA.ASIACRYPT2008waschairedbyLynnBattenandIhadthehonor of serving as the Program Chair. There were 208 submissions from which 12 papers were withdrawn. Each paper...
The 14th International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cr- tology and Information Security-ASIACRYPT 2008-was held in Melbourne during De...