Brilliant...Evenson manages to capture madness with a masterful tone. The specific genius o"f Fugue Sta"te rests in subtlety, in Evenson s ability to maintain suspense, dread and paranoia through utter linguistic control. " Time Out New York" "" 19 satisfying and surreal stories...packed with subtly hilarious sentences. "Cleveland Plain Dealer" Brian Evenson is one of the treasures of American story writing, a true successor both to the generation of Coover, Barthelme, Hawkes and Co., but also to Edgar Allan Poe. Jonathan Lethem "The stories in this collection will thrill, unsettle, and...
Brilliant...Evenson manages to capture madness with a masterful tone. The specific genius o"f Fugue Sta"te rests in subtlety, in Evenson s ability...