The Handbook of Political Philosophy and Social Philosophy presents a comprehensive, sophisticated and reliable scholarly account of present-day political philosophy and social philosophy. It is a lexical reference work arranged alphabetically by headwords. Concepts, topics and problems are dealt with encyclopaedically in their systematic context under each headword. The headwords are arranged in such a way that they give systematic access to a thematic area. In addition to entries on subject topics, there are also entries on persons.
The Handbook of Political...
The Handbook of Political Philosophy and Social Philosophy presents a comprehensive, sophisticated and reliable scholarly account of prese...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produced volumes on topics and questions which make substantive or methodologically important contributions to contemporary philosophy. The publications are designed to effect a productive synergy between the Anglo-Saxon and Continental European philosophical traditions.
Ideen&Argumente provides a platform for outstanding systematically oriented original editions and German first editions from all areas of Theoretical and Practical...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produce...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produced volumes on topics and questions which make substantive or methodologically important contributions to contemporary philosophy. The publications are designed to effect a productive synergy between the Anglo-Saxon and Continental European philosophical traditions.
Ideen&Argumente provides a platform for outstanding systematically oriented original editions and German first editions from all areas of Theoretical and Practical...
The new series of Ideen&Argumente subscribes to the ideal of a pluralist and open culture of argument and debate and presents well-produce...
"Demokratische Systeme sind auch dann, wenn sie den grundrechtlichen Forderungen politischer Gerechtigkeit genugen, kritikwurdig und reformbedurftig, solange es ihnen nicht gelingt, allen Burgern gerechte Anteile an den gesellschaftlich produzierten Reichtumern zu sichern."
Bei den Auseinandersetzungen um Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Steuerpolitik, Erziehungspolitik, Meinungs- und Willensfreiheit steht auch Grundsatzlicheres zur Debatte: Was verstehen wir unter "sozialer Gerechtigkeit"? In Gerechtfertigte Ungleichheiten werden die Grundzuge einer Theorie sozialer Gerechtigkeit entwickelt....
"Demokratische Systeme sind auch dann, wenn sie den grundrechtlichen Forderungen politischer Gerechtigkeit genugen, kritikwurdig und reformbedurfti...