At a time when the stories coming out of New Orleans sounded the same, we wanted to tell different stories-fiction inspired by New Orleans librarians who were struggling to put their libraries and lives back together. Writers and artists worldwide donated works for this anthology, which benefits Rebuild New Orleans Public Library. Contributors include: Silvia Barlaam, Donna Beltz, Tanya Bentham, Moe Biers, D.J. Black, Jason Burger, Greta Cabrel, Rachel Caine, Gwyneth Cooper, Peg Duthie, Matissa Evensong, S.R. Ferguson, C.A. Hiley, Bernadette Joseco, Julia Katz, Sasha Katz, Robert Kelso, Kim...
At a time when the stories coming out of New Orleans sounded the same, we wanted to tell different stories-fiction inspired by New Orleans librarians ...