Urinary tract infection remains one of the most common reasons for an individual seeking medical advice. Although the associated morbidity varies widely in adults, such infections are less common but may constitute severe, life-threatening illness in children and in the elderly. Diagnostic tests and treatment have been rationalized in recent years but many practising doctors still have difficulty in appreciating the patho-physiological principles involved. Particular difficulty is often experienced when treating patients with recurrent urinary tract infections, covert bacteriuria,...
Urinary tract infection remains one of the most common reasons for an individual seeking medical advice. Although the associated morbidity varies wide...
Renal transplantation is now accepted as the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal failure. During the last decade both patients and graft survival rates have increased significantly and when assessed at one year are now greater than 90% and 80% respectively. These marked improvements have occurred at a time when increasing numbers of patients in the older age groups and with more complex forms of renal disease are being accepted for transplantation. The reasons for the improved clinical results are not fully understood but are probably linked with changes in blood transfusion...
Renal transplantation is now accepted as the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal failure. During the last decade both patients and g...
For more than a generation haemodialysis has been the principal method of treating patients with both acute and chronic renal failure. Initially, developments and improvements in the system were highly technical and relevant to only a relatively small number of specialists in nephrology. More recently, as advances in therapy have dem onstrated the value of haemoperfusion for certain types of poisoning, the basic principles ofhaemodialysis have been perceived as important in many areas of clinical practice. In this volume, the potential advantages of bicarbonate haemo dialysis are objectively...
For more than a generation haemodialysis has been the principal method of treating patients with both acute and chronic renal failure. Initially, deve...
During the last few years, renal hypertension has become a subject of increasing importance. The development of improved radiological techniques, notably intravenous and intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography, has made the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis more reliable, while advances in vascular surgery and the introduction of percutaneous trans luminal angioplasty have caused major changes in clinical practice. The increasing use of such potent antihypertensive agents as the angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors has empha- sized the problem of renal artery stenosis in older...
During the last few years, renal hypertension has become a subject of increasing importance. The development of improved radiological techniques, nota...
Glomerulonephritis has always been regarded as a complex subject. Different forms o f the disease c a n cause death in a matter o f weeks, nephrotic syndrome which might or might not prove responsive to steroid therapy, or no symptoms a t all. Improved pathological te- niques and criteria have permitted a more accurate diagnosis and prognosis to be established for many patients. With increased und- standing of the immunological mechanisms involved it has become apparent that many patients presenting with a variety of symptoms and signs m a y have glomerulonephritis as their primary...
Glomerulonephritis has always been regarded as a complex subject. Different forms o f the disease c a n cause death in a matter o f weeks, nephrotic s...
In recent years both doctors and patients have become increasingly aware that many essential drugs may induce unfortunate side-effects in susceptible individuals. The kidney is the principal route of excretion for many of these substances and may as a result become involved in pathological processes. Developments in haemodialysis and haemo- perfusion may be of value in increasing the rate of excretion of potentially toxic substances but it is essential that the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are fully appreciated by all with an interest in clinical practice. This book...
In recent years both doctors and patients have become increasingly aware that many essential drugs may induce unfortunate side-effects in susceptible ...
For the last two decades, the topic of chronic renal failure has been dominated by discussions on dialysis and transplantation. As facilities for treating patients with end-stage renal failure have become more readily available, at least in Europe and North America, attention has once again been drawn to conservative measures which may improve both the overall prognosis and the quality of life of patients with renal impairment. Although severe renal failure may be progressive and many patients will ultimately require some form of renal replacement therapy, it is now widely appreciated that...
For the last two decades, the topic of chronic renal failure has been dominated by discussions on dialysis and transplantation. As facilities for trea...
Almost every practising doctor will admit to difficulty in knowing how best to investigate, treat and advise the pregnant patient with renal problems. These doubts and difficulties may be exacerbated if the patient seeks pre-pregnancy advice - would a possible pregnancy cause a deterioration in renal function, what are the risks of the pregnancy for mother and baby? As the general public become more informed on medical matters these questions are being asked more frequently and doctors must be prepared to offer advice which is based on detailed factual knowledge. This book examines some of...
Almost every practising doctor will admit to difficulty in knowing how best to investigate, treat and advise the pregnant patient with renal problems....
Renal stone disease remains a common clinical problem. Patients m a y attend either medical or surgical clinics and n o t infrequently present as acute abdominal emergencies to general practitioners, physicians, surgeons and even gynaecologists. Recent urinary calculi continue to cause considerable morbidity despite the recent advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of the different types of stones involved and despite improvements in t reatment- by appropriate drug therapy, by ultrasound techniques and by lithotripsy. This volume discusses the investigation and management o f...
Renal stone disease remains a common clinical problem. Patients m a y attend either medical or surgical clinics and n o t infrequently present as acut...
This volume has been written specifically for the practising clinician. All aspects of clinical transplantation have expanded enormously in recent years, but many of the doctors involved have received little or no tuition in immunology as medical students. The various chapters, written by physicians, surgeons, pathologists and immunologists present many of the currently important issues in transplantation and demonstrate that a basic undertaking of immunology is now essential in many areas of clinical practice. Perhaps this book will not only produce an increasing awareness of immunological...
This volume has been written specifically for the practising clinician. All aspects of clinical transplantation have expanded enormously in recent yea...