Meet the people, sample the flavor, and experience the kinship through 11 unique events and more than 25 inspiring projects
Throughout history, we've gathered together in the market square. We're there to buy and sell, to get good deals on fibers, fabrics, fruits, vegetables, and bread, but we're also there to see friends, gossip, trade recipes, and admire new clothes. We've got an eye on each other's animals, and we're going to keep them from getting into any trouble. It's our chance to hold someone else's baby or to congratulate a new grandmother. It's a chance to connect, to...
Meet the people, sample the flavor, and experience the kinship through 11 unique events and more than 25 inspiring projects
Knit Green offers tons of information and ideas on everything you need to be a more environmentally conscious knitter. From sourcing materials locally and using organic products, to supporting fair work and fair trade programs, Knit Green is a tremendous source of information to help you tailor your craft to your convictions.
Fashion-forward knitting and easy-to-digest essays come together to help you ""green-up"" your hobby and easily implement suggestions and strategies for sustainability in the context of knitting. You'll get a full...
Let Your Knitting Go Green
Knit Green offers tons of information and ideas on everything you need to be a more environmentally conscious ...