"Catch you later," he called over his shoulder. "Only if I'm falling," she called back. This was Allan and Audrey Sloane's playful way of letting each other know that no matter the circumstances, they would always be there for each other. Theirs was an idyllic, loving, and enviable life. They were parents to a terrific teenager, shared morning devotions as often as possible, and the passion-well, let's just say it left nothing to be desired. Life was good...so why did this morning's devotional reading "Curse God and Die" leave Audrey feeling so unsettled? If only she knew that their idyllic...
"Catch you later," he called over his shoulder. "Only if I'm falling," she called back. This was Allan and Audrey Sloane's playful way of letting each...
Military to Civilian Employment: A Career Practitioner's Guide is an essential resource for understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in supporting veterans to successfully transition to civilian employment. On average 5,000 highly skilled Canadian Armed Forces personnel will exit the military each year but many will require help in finding good jobs after serving their country.
Career coaches, counsellors, HR professionals, hiring managers and others working with ex-military personnel will all benefit from this specialized resource guide. Users of the guide...
Military to Civilian Employment: A Career Practitioner's Guide is an essential resource for understanding the unique challenges and opport...
D'une carriEre militaire A un emploi civil guide de l'intervenant en dEveloppement de carriEre reprEsente une ressource essentielle pour comprendre les dEfis et possibilitEs uniques en matiEre de soutien aux anciens combattants afin qu'ils rEussissent leur transition vers un emploi dans le civil. En moyenne, 5 000 membres qualifiEs des Forces armEes canadiennes quittent l'armEe chaque annEe. Un grand nombre d'entre eux auront besoin d'aide pour trouver un bon emploi aprEs avoir servi leur pays.
Les accompagnateurs et les conseillers en orientation professionnelle, les...
D'une carriEre militaire A un emploi civil guide de l'intervenant en dEveloppement de carriEre reprEsente une ressource essentielle pour c...