The systems that make up the accountability package in education: standards, assessments, and the quality determination for a school, have each entered the educational field under the explicit assumption by their creators that they would drive educator behavior in a positive way. But what if that isn't actually the case? What if each of the components was actually designed for another purpose entirely and now is tasked with a role that was never considered in its design? If that is the case those who put the systems in place risk expecting a result that the system was never designed to...
The systems that make up the accountability package in education: standards, assessments, and the quality determination for a school, have each entere...
The systems that make up the accountability package in education: standards, assessments, and the quality determination for a school, have each entered the educational field under the explicit assumption by their creators that they would drive educator behavior in a positive way. But what if that isn't actually the case? What if each of the components was actually designed for another purpose entirely and now is tasked with a role that was never considered in its design? If that is the case those who put the systems in place risk expecting a result that the system was never designed to...
The systems that make up the accountability package in education: standards, assessments, and the quality determination for a school, have each entere...