Virtually anyone can make money in a rapidly rising real estate market. As recent events have shown, it's just as easy to lose money when the economy heads south. But the better real estate investors generally know when to buy and when to sell. They know how to maintain control over their properties under adverse circumstances. They know how to work with lenders and how to find and evaluate the highest and best uses for a particular piece of property. These are the people who can make money (and not lose money) in all real estate markets-something real estate expert Robert Lawless shows...
Virtually anyone can make money in a rapidly rising real estate market. As recent events have shown, it's just as easy to lose money when the econo...
The recent global financial crisis was caused, at least in part, by the financial ignorance of many consumers. Many students and young adults in particular have never been taught the basics of financial planning. Yet, the earlier people move from financial illiteracy to literacy, the greater the benefits that will accumulate over time.
As The Student's Guide to Financial Literacy makes clear, practices adopted in the early years of adulthood can have the most dramatic effect on a person's ultimate quality of life, level of success, and age of retirement. This book is...
The recent global financial crisis was caused, at least in part, by the financial ignorance of many consumers. Many students and young adults in pa...