Increasing awareness and concern for energy resources and the environment have stimulated significant advances in materials and technology for energy conversion in recent years. This volume, the ninth in a popular series, focuses on novel materials, materials processing and device technologies for direct thermal-to-electric energy conversion, and emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of research needed to advance the field. The volume begins with an overview of the state of the art in high-temperature thermoelectric materials by Harald Bottner. The section on nanocomposite materials...
Increasing awareness and concern for energy resources and the environment have stimulated significant advances in materials and technology for energy ...
The food sector is the third most regulated industry in the EU. It is the most important production sector, but its competitiveness and innovativeness are under pressure. This book reports on a legal research into the question if there is a connection between the sector's declining innovativeness and competitiveness on the one hand and the increasing regulatory burden on the other hand. The aim is to indicate opportunities to remove avoidable obstacles for the food industry in general and small and medium enterprises in particular. The book brings to light several shortcomings in the...
The food sector is the third most regulated industry in the EU. It is the most important production sector, but its competitiveness and innovativeness...
For more than 30 years, modelling has been an important method for integrating, in a flexible, comprehensive and widely applicable way, basic knowledge and biological concepts on digestion and metabolism in farm animals. The purpose of this book is to present the 'state of art' in this area. The chapters are written by leading teams and researchers in this field of study, mainly from Europe, North America and Australasia. Considerable progress has been made in topics dealing with: modelling methods, feeding behaviour, digestion and metabolic processes in ruminants and monogastric animals....
For more than 30 years, modelling has been an important method for integrating, in a flexible, comprehensive and widely applicable way, basic knowledg...
The Future of Sustainability, the tenth and final volume of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, brings together essays from a group of renowned scholars and well-known environmentalist thinkers. Crucial topics are considered in terms of the future of humanity and its relationship with the natural world, from the outlook for nuclear energy, cities, energy, agriculture, water, food security, mobility, and migration; the role of higher education; and the concept of collective learning. The volume concludes with a resource guide for teaching materials at several levels, a directory of...
The Future of Sustainability, the tenth and final volume of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, brings together essays from a group of renow...
China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability, Volume 7 of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, provides unprecedented analyses by regional experts and scholars elsewhere in the world on China, India, and their neighbors. Despite growing demands internally on their natural resources (China and India alone are home to more than one-third of the world's population), the expanding global economic influence of this region makes these countries vital players in a sustainable future for all citizens of the Earth. Regional coverage includes topics such as business and...
China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability, Volume 7 of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, provides unprecedented ...
Contains rich analysis of how sustainability is being factored into industries across the globe, with enlightening case studies of businesses serving as agents of change. Contributing authors provide a groundbreaking body of research-based knowledge. They explain that the concept of sustainability is being re-framed to be positive about business.
Contains rich analysis of how sustainability is being factored into industries across the globe, with enlightening case studies of businesses serving ...
Provides extensive coverage of sustainability practices in two regions linked culturally and historically. Regional experts and international scholars focus on environmental history in areas such as the South Pacific islands, and on countries whose governments and corporations can play a major role in promoting or discouraging sustainable choices.
Provides extensive coverage of sustainability practices in two regions linked culturally and historically. Regional experts and international scholars...