Ten teenagers are thrust into an impossible world where magical monsters roam the forests and wizards rule from majestic castles. They discover something sinister and so powerful that the natural world itself cannot comprehend its existence--and time is running out.
Ten teenagers are thrust into an impossible world where magical monsters roam the forests and wizards rule from majestic castles. They discover someth...
Adam Dorsey is the starting quarterback for a prestigious college football team and he has it all. So, hes shocked when he is unfairly kicked off the team, and reluctantly ends up at a small FCS school. During the offseason, Adam must navigate an uncomfortable road with his new teammates. And, his journey reveals far more about the intangibles of football than he ever could have imagined.
Adam Dorsey is the starting quarterback for a prestigious college football team and he has it all. So, hes shocked when he is unfairly kicked off the ...