James W. Chesebro David T. McMahan Preston C. Russett
This textbook examines the Internet as a communication system - the single most pervasive, involving, and global communication system ever created by human beings, with a host of political, economic, cognitive, and sociocultural implications. The Internet crosses all cultural boundaries and is the fastest growing global communication system ever witnessed. The text explores the ways in which the technology of the Internet, beyond its specific content, possesses its own message-generating capabilities that dramatically and decisively affect its users. Focusing on the power of media theories,...
This textbook examines the Internet as a communication system - the single most pervasive, involving, and global communication system ever created by ...
James W. Chesebro David T. McMahan Preston C. Russett
This textbook examines the Internet as a communication system the single most pervasive, involving, and global communication system ever created by human beings, with a host of political, economic, cognitive, and sociocultural implications. The Internet crosses all cultural boundaries and is the fastest growing global communication system ever witnessed. The text explores the ways in which the technology of the Internet, beyond its specific content, possesses its own message-generating capabilities that dramatically and decisively affect its users. Focusing on the power of media theories, the...
This textbook examines the Internet as a communication system the single most pervasive, involving, and global communication system ever created by hu...