The oldest image of the Virgin Mary in the United States a petite wooden statue accompanied Spanish Conquistadors and missionaries to the Kingdom of Nuevo Mexico in 1625. Her existence has been tumultuous. She was rescued from a burning church, kidnapped and held for ransom, and had her wooden form mutilated and remade. This book conveys the essence of devotion given to the statue who is yearly celebrated at "La Fiesta de Santa Fe" and yearly carried in procession based on a promise made over 300 years ago. She is the Queen of New Mexico, enthroned in her own chapel at the Cathedral Basilica...
The oldest image of the Virgin Mary in the United States a petite wooden statue accompanied Spanish Conquistadors and missionaries to the Kingdom of N...
The Corn Whisperer by Sue Houser, illustrated by Ramon Shiloh is a trio of stories about the ancient healing ways of the Southwest. Centered on life at various pueblos, the book opens with young Charlie who tells his single mom he is worried about staying with her father, Grandfather Joe, the storyteller. In time Grandfather Joe teaches Charlie how to live by using the stories he learned as a boy. With each visit to the Pueblo, Charlie grows more confident and closer to his grandfather. This is a touching story about the art of storytelling and its role in today's changing...
The Corn Whisperer by Sue Houser, illustrated by Ramon Shiloh is a trio of stories about the ancient healing ways of the Southwest. Center...