This book collects a number of papers presented at the 13th Italian Conference on Sensors and Microsystems. It provides a unique perspective on the research and development of sensors, microsystems and related technologies in Italy. Besides the scientific value of the papers, this book offers a unique source of data to analysts that intend to survey the Italian situation on sensors and microsystems.
This book collects a number of papers presented at the 13th Italian Conference on Sensors and Microsystems. It provides a unique perspective on the re...
I. Bucur: L'anneau de Chow d'une variete algebrique.- E. Eckmann: Cohomologie et classes caracteristiques.- C. Teleman: Sur le caractere de Chern d'un fibre vectoriel complexe differentiable.- E. Thomas: Characteristic classes and differentiable manifolds.- A. Van de Ven: Chern classes and complex manifolds.
I. Bucur: L'anneau de Chow d'une variete algebrique.- E. Eckmann: Cohomologie et classes caracteristiques.- C. Teleman: Sur le caractere de Chern d'un...
Lectures: B. Eckmann: Cours sur les varietes complexes.- W. Fenchel: Introduzione alla teoria dei gruppi discontinui di trasformazioni.- Seminars: E. Martinelli: Punti di vista geometrici nello studio delle varieta a struttura complessa.- K. Stein: Lecons sur la theorie des fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes.- E. Peschl: Les invariants differentiels dans la theorie des fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes."
Lectures: B. Eckmann: Cours sur les varietes complexes.- W. Fenchel: Introduzione alla teoria dei gruppi discontinui di trasformazioni.- Seminars: E. ...