Social activism and dissent have become global phenomena for our times. Ordinary people across the world are fighting back. This newly potent political force has defeated governments in India and Spain, and has brought down the EU draft constitution. Disaffected by the triumph of markets, public goods, public interest and public spaces are regaining political ground.
Daniel Drache argues that, feeding off distrust and suspicion of governments, and assisted by the new cultural flows of people, ideas and information, this is a political phenomenon without historical precedent....
Social activism and dissent have become global phenomena for our times. Ordinary people across the world are fighting back. This newly potent politica...
Canada at the WTO is the first book devoted to exploring the relationship between the World Trade Organization's dispute settlement process and Canada's political economy. Early chapters address myths and facts about the WTO, introduce readers to Canada's role in the global economy, and explain Canada's objectives in being part of the WTO's dispute settlement process. Froese proceeds by examining the realities of these goals through five dispute settlement case studies: softwood lumber, the Canadian Wheat Board, Bombardier regional jets, split-run magazines, and Canadian...
Canada at the WTO is the first book devoted to exploring the relationship between the World Trade Organization's dispute settlement process ...