The Treatises of Government, particularly the Second Treatise, are cornerstone works in Western thought. The First Treatise is devoted primarily to demolishing the notion that monarchial rule is divinely sanctioned and is mainly of interest to scholars. The Second Treatise, however, is a fundamental work that can be read profitably by anyone with an interest in philosophy, ethics, and European history. Locke develops an optimistic social contract theory in which men band together to overcome some of the defects of the state of nature. This is the origin of government, which rests on the...
The Treatises of Government, particularly the Second Treatise, are cornerstone works in Western thought. The First Treatise is devoted primarily to de...
Two of Locke's most influential political writings have been combined here in one volume. Among the most influential writings in the history of Western political thought, John Locke's "Two Treatises of Government" and "A Letter Concerning Toleration" remain vital to political debates more than three centuries after they were written. Taken together, the texts and essays in this volume offer insights into the history of ideas and the enduring influence of Locke's political thought.
Two of Locke's most influential political writings have been combined here in one volume. Among the most influential writings in the history of Wester...
..". J'ai ete si souvent consulte, dans ces derniers temps, par des personnes qui declaraient ne pas savoir comment elever leurs enfants, et, d'autre part, la corruption de la jeunesse est devenue un sujet si universel de lamentations, qu'il me semble qu'on ne saurait taxer d'impertinente l'entreprise de celui qui appelle sur ce sujet l'attention du public et qui propose quelques reflexions personnelles sur la matiere, dans l'intention d'exciter les efforts des autres et de provoquer les critiques. Car c'est en fait d'education que les erreurs meritent le moins d'etre excusees. Comme les...
..". J'ai ete si souvent consulte, dans ces derniers temps, par des personnes qui declaraient ne pas savoir comment elever leurs enfants, et, d'autre ...
" La lettre suivante, sur la Tolerance, imprimee d'abord en latin, cette meme annee (1689), a deja ete traduite en hollandais et en francais. Une approbation si prompte et si generale peut donc garantir d'avance l'accueil favorable qu'elle recevra en Angleterre. Je crois bien, a dire le vrai, qu'il n'y a pas de nation au monde chez laquelle on ait autant ecrit sur ce sujet que chez la notre. Mais assurement aussi, il n'y a pas de peuple ou l'on ait encore autant besoin de dire et de faire, sur cet article, quelque chose de plus qu'on ne l'a fait parmi nous... ... Une liberte absolue, une...
" La lettre suivante, sur la Tolerance, imprimee d'abord en latin, cette meme annee (1689), a deja ete traduite en hollandais et en francais. Une appr...
..". Pour bien entendre en quoi consiste le pouvoir politique, et connaitre sa veritable origine, il faut considerer dans quel etat tous les hommes sont naturellement. C'est un etat de parfaite liberte, un etat dans lequel, sans demander de permission a personne, et sans dependre de la volonte d'aucun autre homme, ils peuvent faire ce qu'il leur plait, et disposer de ce qu'ils possedent et de leurs personnes, comme ils jugent a propos, pourvu qu'ils se tiennent dans les bornes de la loi de la Nature..." J. L."
..". Pour bien entendre en quoi consiste le pouvoir politique, et connaitre sa veritable origine, il faut considerer dans quel etat tous les hommes so...
The Second Treatise outlines a theory of civil society. John Locke begins by describing the state of nature, a picture much more stable than Thomas Hobbes' state of "war of every man against every man," and argues that all men are created equal in the state of nature by God. From this, he goes on to explain the hypothetical rise of property and civilization, in the process explaining that the only legitimate governments are those that have the consent of the people. Therefore, any government that rules without the consent of the people can, in theory, be overthrown.
The Second Treatise outlines a theory of civil society. John Locke begins by describing the state of nature, a picture much more stable than Thomas Ho...
John Locke was one of the greatest Enlightenment thinkers. His contribution to our contemporary understanding of governemnt-via his Social Contract theory-can hardly be underestimated. His insight into human nature underscores the important role of government in providing a balance between personal liberties and ensuring the common good. Alacrity Press is proud to make this work of classic political theory, Second Treatise of Government by John Locke available to modern readers.
John Locke was one of the greatest Enlightenment thinkers. His contribution to our contemporary understanding of governemnt-via his Social Contract th...