Lively yet concise, The Essential Learning Edition of America blends Shi and Tindall's unrivalled narrative style with innovative pedagogy to help students understand major historical developments and strengthen critical interpretive skills. Online adaptive learning tools enhance and assess students' mastery of the core objectives from the text.
Lively yet concise, The Essential Learning Edition of America blends Shi and Tindall's unrivalled narrative style with innovative pedagogy to help stu...
Lively yet concise, The Essential Learning Edition of America blends Shi and Tindall's unrivalled narrative style with innovative pedagogy to help students understand major historical developments and strengthen critical interpretive skills. Online adaptive learning tools enhance and assess students' mastery of the core objectives from the text.
Lively yet concise, The Essential Learning Edition of America blends Shi and Tindall's unrivalled narrative style with innovative pedagogy to help stu...
Three step-sisters that sing out with meaning and emotion ...
The Troll:
A young woman, in the aftermath of an attempted gang rape, comes to grip with the horror through a university campus troll.
A city-state 150 years beyond a nuclear holocaust, where genetics have come to rule both custom and law, and where a young woman must face the age-old question of an unexpected (and un-approved) pregnancy.
Room One:
A silent comedy where a man and a woman and their daughter learn to embrace the final endings of heart disease (and death).
"Art is a lie...
3 W / 3 M]
Three step-sisters that sing out with meaning and emotion ...
The Troll:
A young woman, in the aftermath of an attempted gang ra...
A post-modern evening with a touch of magic realism ...
Omar and Autumn openly welcome us into their world of Buenaventura (Colombia). Autumn tells us she is the proprietor of a dance-exercise studio there, while Omar informs us he runs a tour-guide service from the Cali airport. His youngest daughter? She plays little-league soccer. But what are they NOT telling us?
A cocaine dealer. A Madame. A family. When-? Why, for the afternoon, silly
ROAD ENDS 500 FT 3M / 2W] A Dramedy
After the oldest daughter has just escaped kidnappers, a...
A post-modern evening with a touch of magic realism ...