Badge is a poignant story of the enduring friendship between a child and a dog, Sam and Badge. Sam, twelve years old, faces hardships, fears, and the harsh realities of being abandoned in a small backwoods town and confronted by the best and worst a childhood has to offer. Painful memories, school bullies and something sinister lurking in the swamp just outside Sam’s window are all part of a bigger story of hope and faith and love. A story that promises to touch the heart of the child in all of us.
Badge is a poignant story of the enduring friendship between a child and a dog, Sam and Badge. Sam, twelve years old, faces hardships, fears, and t...
Moses Pennyweighter was evil. No better word could be used to describe him, not at Christmas and not by those truly knowing the shriveled little man. Most though who lived in Millageville, working themselves ragged in his factory to buy another month's stay in his houses, groceries at his supermarket, and everything else in their lives from his department store, did not know him, did not know him at all. "Good Mr. Pennyweighter," the people of Millageville would say at the very mention of the sweet old man's name. And there would be a warming of hearts as every child in town...
Moses Pennyweighter was evil. No better word could be used to describe him, not at Christmas and not by those truly knowing the shriveled little ma...
Moses Pennyweighter was evil. No better word could be used to describe him, not at Christmas and not by those truly knowing the shriveled little man. Most though who lived in Millageville, working themselves ragged in his factory to buy another month's stay in his houses, groceries at his supermarket, and everything else in their lives from his department store, did not know him, did not know him at all. "Good Mr. Pennyweighter," the people of Millageville would say at the very mention of the sweet old man's name. And there would be a warming of hearts as every child in town...
Moses Pennyweighter was evil. No better word could be used to describe him, not at Christmas and not by those truly knowing the shriveled little ma...