Engineering Communication: From Principles to Practice, Second Edition, is a writing and communications text designed to guide engineering students through the process of writing polished and professional documents. The principles are supported by numerous tips found in marginal boxes, exercises in new "Try This" boxes, and writing samples that clearly demonstrate how each principle can be applied to everyday communication challenges. This resource also includes a series of appendices covering the fundamentals of grammar, plus a new primer on ethics for engineers....
Engineering Communication: From Principles to Practice, Second Edition, is a writing and communications text designed to guide engineering st...
At once sophisticated and practical, Writing in Engineering: A Brief Guide leads students through how to compose design reports, lab reports, and other key engineering genres while attending to the principles of argument, style, and visual design. It is a part of a series of brief, discipline-specific writing guides from Oxford University Press designed for today's writing-intensive college courses. The series is edited by Thomas Deans (University of Connecticut) and Mya Poe (Northeastern University).
At once sophisticated and practical, Writing in Engineering: A Brief Guide leads students through how to compose design reports, lab reports, and othe...