Bringingtogether contributors from a wide range of disciplines, countries and perspectivesthis bookprovides a thought-provoking overview of the human dimension of the workplace. It covers workplace problems as well as potential solutions. Essential reading for anyone committed to making the workplace a humane and effective place."
Bringingtogether contributors from a wide range of disciplines, countries and perspectivesthis bookprovides a thought-provoking overview of the human ...
The Social Work Companion is not a simple 'how to do it' text, rather it is a foundation text. It is designed to act as a gateway for social work studies and future practice by: - Giving students a flavour of the issues involved in contemporary social work - Introducing some key concepts, themes, issues and challenges, alongside the principles of good practice - Raising awareness of some of the main demands and rewards of social work - Providing guidance on future learning in the form of recommended reading and details of relevant organizations and websites. The...
The Social Work Companion is not a simple 'how to do it' text, rather it is a foundation text. It is designed to act as a gateway for social ...
Dealing with Stress tackles the complex issues of pressure and stress in social work. It covers aspects of research and theory but its main focus is on practice - the practical application of an informed approach to stress management. It provides guidance for managers and practitioners and promotes a positive, but realistic, approach to coping with the pressures of an occupation which deals with human misery, loss, suffering, oppression and deprivation. In doing this, it takes account of the dilemmas, conflicts and tensions inherent in the social work role and the political and...
Dealing with Stress tackles the complex issues of pressure and stress in social work. It covers aspects of research and theory but its main f...
The book is an in-depth review of the theory and empirics of the demand for money and other financial assets. The different theoretical approaches to the portfolio choice problem are described, together with an up-to-date survey of the results obtained from empirical studies of asset choice behaviour. Both single-equation studies and the more complete multi-asset portfolio models, are analysed.
The book is an in-depth review of the theory and empirics of the demand for money and other financial assets. The different theoretical approaches to ...
In this ground-breaking book, bestselling author Neil Thompson turns his attention to the question of, 'What does it mean to be truly professional in the field of social work?'
Notions of professionalism in social work have changed over time. Early traditional ideas showed themselves to be elitist and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of social work, and have been followed by a period of uncertainty as to whether or not social workers are professionals at all. Now, with a move towards a new form of professionalism beginning to take shape, this book presents a cogent argument for...
In this ground-breaking book, bestselling author Neil Thompson turns his attention to the question of, 'What does it mean to be truly professional in ...