Tief im Wort Gottes verborgen finden wir eine einmalige, wundersame Geschichte, ein Drama, das schon vor Grundlegung der Welt begann und nichts weniger als den Sinn des Lebens und Gottes groe Mission auf der Erde offenbart. Ur-Schrei zeichnet anhand von drei miteinander verwobenen Erzhlstrngen ein Gesamtbild dessen, was Gottes eigentliches und tiefstes Herzensanliegen ist. Diese Entdeckung wird fr immer unsere Sicht auf unser Leben, die Gemeinde und unseren herrlichen Gott verndern.
Tief im Wort Gottes verborgen finden wir eine einmalige, wundersame Geschichte, ein Drama, das schon vor Grundlegung der Welt begann und nichts wenige...
Wollen wir das echte oder ein von heidnischen Einflüssen geprägtes, menschengemachtes Christsein?§Der Allgemeinheit (ob Christen oder Nichtchristen) ist kaum bewusst, wie wenig von dem, was wir in den heutigen Kirchen und Gemeinden als wesentlich und selbstverständlich erachten, sich wirklich vom Neuen Testament ableiten lässt. Es ist an der Zeit, dass wir uns hier schonungslos der Wahrheit stellen. §Punkt für Punkt nehmen uns die Autoren deshalb an die Hand und zeigen auf, wie die einfache, dynamische Glaubenspraxis der ersten Christen durch die Öffnung für außerbiblische Praktiken...
Wollen wir das echte oder ein von heidnischen Einflüssen geprägtes, menschengemachtes Christsein?§Der Allgemeinheit (ob Christen oder Nichtchristen...
SOMOS LA IGLESIA QUE JESUS DISENO TAL COMO DICE SU PALABRA? Por que predica el pastor un sermon en cada servicio? Por que las reuniones de la iglesia resultan tan parecidas semana tras semana? Por que la congregacion de sienta pasivamente en los bancos? No estamos seguros de las respuestas? Este libro propone algo inquietante: QUE LA MAYOR PARTE DE AQUELLO QUE LOS CRISTIANOS DE LA ACTUALIDAD LLEVAN A CABO CADA DOMINGO EN LA IGLESIA, NO ESTA ARRAIGADO EN EL NUEVO TESTAMENTO, SINO EN LA CULTURA PAGANA Y EN RITUALES QUE DESARROLLARON MUCHO TIEMPO DESPUES DE LA MUERTE DE LOS APOSTOLES. Los...
SOMOS LA IGLESIA QUE JESUS DISENO TAL COMO DICE SU PALABRA? Por que predica el pastor un sermon en cada servicio? Por que las reuniones de la iglesia ...
El autor Frank Viola les da a los lectores un lenguaje que muy seguramente no sabian que faltaba en su experiencia en la iglesia moderna. El cree que muchas de las congregaciones de hoy han cambiado la intencion original de Dios para la iglesia. Como lider destacado del movimiento de las iglesias caseras, Frank esta al frente de una revolucion que esta barriendo a traves del cuerpo de Cristo, un cambio que esta retando el estado espiritual existente y redefiniendo la misma naturaleza de la iglesia. Un movimiento inspirado por el diseno divino para la autenticidad en la comunidad. Un concepto...
El autor Frank Viola les da a los lectores un lenguaje que muy seguramente no sabian que faltaba en su experiencia en la iglesia moderna. El cree que ...
Have you ever wondered why we Christians do what we do for church every Sunday morning? Why do we -dress up- for church? Why does the pastor preach a sermon each week? Why do we have pews, steeples, and choirs? This ground-breaking book, now in affordable softcover, makes an unsettling proposal: most of what Christians do in present-day churches is rooted, not in the New Testament, but in pagan culture and rituals developed long after the death of the apostles. Coauthors Frank Viola and George Barna support their thesis with compelling historical evidence and extensive footnotes that document...
Have you ever wondered why we Christians do what we do for church every Sunday morning? Why do we -dress up- for church? Why does the pastor preach a ...
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ met face-to-face with people just like you. Broken, imperfect, sometimes fearful and without hope. The Day I Met Jesus is a beautifully crafted narrative that chronicles the remarkable encounters of five women in the Gospels who were desperate to find wholeness, security, and purpose. Like all of us, these women struggled with the regrets of their pasts, the stresses of their presents, and the worries of their tomorrows. Join Frank Viola and Mary DeMuth on a fascinating journey back in time as they retell the dramatic accounts of five...
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ met face-to-face with people just like you. Broken, imperfect, sometimes fearful and without hope. The ...
So many of us suffer from an intense spiritual inferiority complex. We are insecure about God's love for us. We don't understand our true worth in his eyes. We struggle with guilt over mistakes we've made. We are ashamed of our own lack of devotion or fervor. We want Jesus to light the flame of love in our hearts, to feel as we did when we first received his salvation. On the other hand, following Jesus has become stale and familiar to countless Christians today. The flame of first love has waned and our zeal for the Lord has cooled. We need to be inspired and challenged to utterly abandon...
So many of us suffer from an intense spiritual inferiority complex. We are insecure about God's love for us. We don't understand our true worth in his...
"So that in everything He might have the supremacy."
--Colossians 1:18
Christians have made the gospel about so many things--things other than Christ. Religious concepts, ideas, doctrines, strategies, methods, techniques, formulas, "its" and "things" have all eclipsed the beauty, the glory, and the reality of the Lord Jesus Himself. On the whole, Christians today are starved for a real experience of the living Christ. We know a lot about our Lord, but we don't know Him very well. We know a lot about trying to be like Jesus,...
"So that in everything He might have the supremacy."