This fun, interactive workbook offers parents and professionals tried and tested techniques to support children dealing with exam stress, with chapters focused on lifestyle management (exercise, diet, work-fun balance), CBT tools (relaxation, positive self-talk, thought challenging) and other psychological methods (such as mindfulness).
This fun, interactive workbook offers parents and professionals tried and tested techniques to support children dealing with exam stress, with chapter...
I am great at thinking quickly! I have a greatsense of humour! What are you really great at? I have trouble finishing my homework... I get distractedeasily... Do similar things happen to you? Learn more about ADHD and what itmeans for you, with fun facts that you can share with your family and teacherstoo.
I am great at thinking quickly! I have a greatsense of humour! What are you really great at? I have trouble finishing my homework... I get distractede...