In July 2006, a major international conference was held at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada, to celebrate the career and work of a remarkable man of letters. Abner Shimony, who is well known for his pioneering contributions to foundations of quantum mechanics, is a physicist as well as a philosopher, and is highly respected among the intellectuals of both communities. In line with Shimony's conviction that philosophical investigation is not to be divorced from theoretical and empirical work in the sciences, the conference brought together leading theoretical...
In July 2006, a major international conference was held at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada, to celebrate the career and wor...
This book develops an Effective Theory of Quantum Gravity based on the two pillars of physics - namely, General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. It opens up a new direction of research in the search for a quantum theory of gravity, by first exactly quantizing the Newton-Cartan-Schrodinger theory of non-relativistic gravity, and then special relativizing the quantized theory by invoking Mach's Principle in the case of the universe and Schwarzschild radius in the case of massive stars and black holes. The main technique employed for the latter task is a variational technique using a...
This book develops an Effective Theory of Quantum Gravity based on the two pillars of physics - namely, General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mecha...
A remarkable concept known as "entanglement" in quantum physics requires an incredibly bizarre link between subatomic particles. When one such particle is observed, quantum entanglement demands the rest of them to be affected instantaneously, even if they are universes apart. Einstein called this "spooky actions at a distance," and argued that such bizarre predictions of quantum theory show that it is an incomplete theory of nature. In 1964, however, John Bell proposed a theorem which seemed to prove that such spooky actions at a distance are inevitable for any physical theory, not just...
A remarkable concept known as "entanglement" in quantum physics requires an incredibly bizarre link between subatomic particles. When one such particl...