Since 1990 the International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) has been celebrated annually in Montr eal (Qu ebec), Canada, and di?erent places all over Germany by turns. The Montr eal editions were organized by the Soft- 1 ware Engineering Research Laboratory (GELOG) of the Ecole de technologie sup erieure (ETS) at the University of Qu ebec at Montr eal (UQAM), which is directed by Professor Alain Abran. The German editions were organized 2 jointly by the Software Measurement Laboratory (SMLAB) of the Otto-von- Guericke-UniversityMagdeburg, Germany, whichisdirectedbyProfessorReiner R....
Since 1990 the International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) has been celebrated annually in Montr eal (Qu ebec), Canada, and di?erent places ...