3 simple steps to improving your health in order to lose weight. Learn about the fire within your body and control your fuel, oxygen, and then find your spark to ignite your flame.
3 simple steps to improving your health in order to lose weight. Learn about the fire within your body and control your fuel, oxygen, and then find yo...
The Little Hockey Handbook: Code of Conduct covers themes like respect, fair play, teamwork and above all having fun. Coaches and parents can use this beautifully illustrated handbook to discuss these important themes with their children to help ensure all participants enjoy hockey the way it was meant to be played. Young players will learn the basic Code of Conduct that will follow them throughout their hockey careers.
The Little Hockey Handbook: Code of Conduct covers themes like respect, fair play, teamwork and above all having fun. Coaches and parents can use this...
Den Lille Ishockey Handboka: Rettningslinjer for Atferd dekker temaer som respekt, fair play, teamarbeid og fremfor alt a ha det goy. Trenere og foreldre kan bruke denne vakkert illustrerte handboka til a diskutere disse viktige temaene med barna sine for a sikre alle deltakerne a glede seg over hockey slik det var ment a bli spilt. Unge spillere vil laere de grunnleggende "Code of Conduct" som vil folge dem gjennom hele deres hockey karriere."
Den Lille Ishockey Handboka: Rettningslinjer for Atferd dekker temaer som respekt, fair play, teamarbeid og fremfor alt a ha det goy. Trenere og forel...