The debate is no longer whether to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in education in Africa but how to do so, and how to ensure equitable access for teachers and learners, whether in urban or rural settings. This is a book about how Africans adopt and adapt ICT. It is also about how ICT shape African schools and classrooms. Why do we use ICT, or not? Do girls and boys use them in the same ways? How are teachers and students in primary and secondary schools in Africa using ICT in teaching and learning? How does the process transform relations among learners, educators and...
The debate is no longer whether to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in education in Africa but how to do so, and how to ensure equ...
West African teachers and professors who are appropriating information and communication technologies (ICT) are making it part and parcel of education and everyday life. In Mali and beyond, they adapt ICT to their milieus and work as cultural agents, mediating between technology and society. They yearn to use ICT to make education more relevant to life, facilitate and enhance African participation in global debates and scholarly production, and evolve how Africa and Africans are projected and perceived. In sum, educators are harnessing ICT for its transformative possibilities. The changes...
West African teachers and professors who are appropriating information and communication technologies (ICT) are making it part and parcel of educat...
Les enseignantes et enseignants, A travers leur appropriation pEdagogique des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) se trouvent - quelquefois EmerveillEs - au milieu de l'OcEan. DerriEre eux, il y a tout ce qu'ils ont appris, et devant, ce qu'ils ne connaissent pas encore et qui reste A explorer. Ils accompagnent leurs ElEves et en invitent d'autres A les rejoindre dans ce voyage. Ils font de leur mieux pour apprendre, approfondir leur pEdagogie et peut-Etre aussi, A travers leur exemple et leurs actes, encourager le systEme scolaire A se redynamiser. Internet est...
Les enseignantes et enseignants, A travers leur appropriation pEdagogique des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) se trouven...