Blue Hothouse grew up in a Cherokee family richly influenced by Cherokee traditions. In his early life, he suffered the same hardships and struggles as his ancestors who lived many centuries before him. His family totally depended upon nature and their environment for their survival. After white man's law became the rule, the Cherokee culture diminished. During Blue's childhood and youth, he witnessed and encountered many painful incidents as a result of European and Native American cultural conflict. From his early childhood through his adult years, he encountered discrimination, racism, and...
Blue Hothouse grew up in a Cherokee family richly influenced by Cherokee traditions. In his early life, he suffered the same hardships and struggles a...
During the mid-twentieth century, private utility magnates, federal officials, and public power advocates all shared the goal of electrifying the entire state of Arkansas, but their unwillingness to cooperate delayed that from happening for many years. The politics surrounding the private versus public power controversy retaraded the state's economic development as each group continually worked to the other's detriment. In hindsight, the politicking and quarreling not only absorbed much valuable time and capital of the entities involved, it needlessly lengthened the dreary period of...
During the mid-twentieth century, private utility magnates, federal officials, and public power advocates all shared the goal of electrifying the enti...