Greetings from Ghana is a comical tale set in the city of Accra in 2002. Inspired by real life events this autobiographical novel is an action packed adventure of endless mishaps and mayhem. The story begins in the English countryside from where M. J. Poynter takes the reader on a rip-roaring journey into Ghana and through the bustling streets of Accra. Set in a tropical paradise under the blazing heat of the African sun, the author travels around the affluent suburbs, along the highways and into the city's red-light districts. Here he meets an array of colourful characters who add to the...
Greetings from Ghana is a comical tale set in the city of Accra in 2002. Inspired by real life events this autobiographical novel is an action packed ...
The Boston Curse is a horrifying comedy set in rural Lincolnshire in 1994. This ill-fated tale begins in a small isolated village deep in the heart of the fens. M. J. Poynter is a disillusioned college lecturer, driven to the brink of despair by the antics of his unmotivated students. After several mysterious deaths the author is confronted by a series of strange questions ranging from the comic to the bizarre. Is the town of Boston infested with zombies? Could people really be dying from an ancient curse? And what are the locals in the village trying to hide? These strange questions lead him...
The Boston Curse is a horrifying comedy set in rural Lincolnshire in 1994. This ill-fated tale begins in a small isolated village deep in the heart of...
Greetings from Ghana is a comical tale set in the city of Accra in 2002. Inspired by real life events this autobiographical novel is an action packed adventure of endless mishaps and mayhem. The story begins in the English countryside from where M. J. Poynter takes the reader on a rip-roaring journey into Ghana and through the bustling streets of Accra. Set in a tropical paradise under the blazing heat of the African sun, the author travels around the affluent suburbs, along the highways and into the city's red-light districts. Here he meets an array of colourful characters who add to the...
Greetings from Ghana is a comical tale set in the city of Accra in 2002. Inspired by real life events this autobiographical novel is an action packed ...