Solving optimization problems subject to constraints given in terms of partial d- ferential equations (PDEs) with additional constraints on the controls and/or states is one of the most challenging problems in the context of industrial, medical and economical applications, where the transition from model-based numerical si- lations to model-based design and optimal control is crucial. For the treatment of such optimization problems the interaction of optimization techniques and num- ical simulation plays a central role. After proper discretization, the number of op- 3 10 timization variables...
Solving optimization problems subject to constraints given in terms of partial d- ferential equations (PDEs) with additional constraints on the contro...
This volume is a comprehensive treatment of the development of the generalized Newton method for solving nonsmooth equations and related problems which grow out of science, engineering, economics and business. It looks at further investigations of this topic oriented towards applications in optimization.
This volume is a comprehensive treatment of the development of the generalized Newton method for solving nonsmooth equations and related problems whic...
Solving optimization problems subject to constraints given in terms of partial d- ferential equations (PDEs) with additional constraints on the controls and/or states is one of the most challenging problems in the context of industrial, medical and economical applications, where the transition from model-based numerical si- lations to model-based design and optimal control is crucial. For the treatment of such optimization problems the interaction of optimization techniques and num- ical simulation plays a central role. After proper discretization, the number of op- 3 10 timization variables...
Solving optimization problems subject to constraints given in terms of partial d- ferential equations (PDEs) with additional constraints on the contro...