The first comprehensive overview of preprocessing, mining, and postprocessing of biological data
Molecular biology is undergoing exponential growth in both the volume and complexity of biological data--and knowledge discovery offers the capacity to automate complex search and data analysis tasks. This book presents a vast overview of the most recent developments on techniques and approaches in the field of biological knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD)--providing in-depth fundamental and technical field information on the most important topics encountered.
The first comprehensive overview of preprocessing, mining, and postprocessing of biological data
Dans ce livre, nous dA(c)veloppons de nouveaux algorithmes d'analyse de chaA(R)nes de caractA]res codant des macromolA(c)cules biologiques. Nous nous intA(c)ressons, particuliA]rement, aux algorithmes de comparaison de plusieurs chaA(R)nes appartenant A la mAame famille, discrimination entre familles de chaA(R)nes, construction d'une sur-chaA(R)ne commune A une famille de chaA(R)nes, reconstitution d'une sA(c)quence d'ADN A partir de ses fragments et prA(c)diction de structures secondaires de macromolA(c)cules d'ARN.
Dans ce livre, nous dA(c)veloppons de nouveaux algorithmes d'analyse de chaA(R)nes de caractA]res codant des macromolA(c)cules biologiques. Nous nous ...
A comprehensive overview of high-performance pattern recognition techniques and approaches to Computational Molecular Biology
This book surveys the developments of techniques and approaches on pattern recognition related to Computational Molecular Biology. Providing a broad coverage of the field, the authors cover fundamental and technical information on these techniques and approaches, as well as discussing their related problems. The text consists of twenty nine chapters, organized into seven parts: Pattern Recognition in Sequences, Pattern Recognition in...
A comprehensive overview of high-performance pattern recognition techniques and approaches to Computational Molecular Biology
The 14 contributed chapters in this book survey the most recent developments in high-performance algorithms for NGS data, offering fundamental insights and technical information specifically on indexing, compression and storage;
The 14 contributed chapters in this book survey the most recent developments in high-performance algorithms for NGS data, offering fundamental insight...