The approach to the Cauchy problem taken here by the authorsis based on theuse of Fourier integral operators with acomplex-valued phase function, which is a time functionchosen suitably according to the geometry of the multiplecharacteristics. The correctness of the Cauchy problem inthe Gevrey classes for operators with hyperbolic principalpart is shown in the first part. In the second part, thecorrectness of the Cauchy problem for effectively hyperbolicoperators is proved with a precise estimate of the loss ofderivatives. This method can be applied to other (non)hyperbolic problems. The text...
The approach to the Cauchy problem taken here by the authorsis based on theuse of Fourier integral operators with acomplex-valued phase function, whic...
This monograph focuses on the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic systems with matrix coefficients. Mainly two questions are discussed: (A) Under which conditions on lower order terms is the Cauchy problem well posed? (B) When is the Cauchy problem well posed for any lower order term? For first order two by two systems with two independent variables with real analytic coefficients, we present complete answers for both (A) and (B). For first order systems with real analytic coefficients we prove general necessary conditions for question (B) in terms of...
This monograph focuses on the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic systems with matrix coefficients. Mainly two questions are...
At a double characteristic point of a differential operator with real characteristics, the linearization of the Hamilton vector field of the principal symbol is called the Hamilton map and according to either the Hamilton map has non-zero real eigenvalues or not, the operator is said to be effectively hyperbolic or noneffectively hyperbolic.For noneffectively hyperbolic operators, it was proved in the late of 1970s that for the Cauchy problem to be C∞ well posed the subprincipal symbol has to be real and bounded, in modulus, by the sum of modulus of pure imaginary eigenvalues of the...
At a double characteristic point of a differential operator with real characteristics, the linearization of the Hamilton vector field of the principal...
Combining geometrical and microlocal tools, this monograph gives detailed proofs of many well/ill-posed results related to the Cauchy problem for differential operators with non-effectively hyperbolic double characteristics. Previously scattered over numerous different publications, the results are presented from the viewpoint that the Hamilton map and the geometry of bicharacteristics completely characterizes the well/ill-posedness of the Cauchy problem. A doubly characteristic point of a differential operator P of order m (i.e. one where Pm = dPm = 0) is...
Combining geometrical and microlocal tools, this monograph gives detailed proofs of many well/ill-posed results related to the Cauchy problem for di...