A collection of papers on differential equations and dynamical systems which stresses topics relating to Hilbert's 16th problem. Among these are a solution to Dulac's problem, results on the multiplicity of singular cycles and results on the zeroes of abelian integrals.
A collection of papers on differential equations and dynamical systems which stresses topics relating to Hilbert's 16th problem. Among these are a sol...
The book reports on recent work by the authors on the bifurcation structure of singular points of planar vector fields whose linear parts are nilpotent. The bifurcation diagrams of the most important codimension-three cases are studied in detail. The results presented reach the limits of what is currently known on the bifurcation theory of planar vector fields. While the treatment is geometric, special analytical tools using abelian integrals are needed, and are explicitly developed. The rescaling and normalization methods are improved for application here. The reader is assumed to be...
The book reports on recent work by the authors on the bifurcation structure of singular points of planar vector fields whose linear parts are nilpoten...
In a coherent, exhaustive and progressive way, this book presents the tools for studying local bifurcations of limit cycles in families of planar vector fields. A systematic introduction is given to such methods as division of an analytic family of functions in its ideal of coefficients, and asymptotic expansion of non-differentiable return maps and desingularisation. The exposition moves from classical analytic geometric methods applied to regular limit periodic sets to more recent tools for singular limit sets.
The methods can be applied to theoretical problems such as Hilbert's...
In a coherent, exhaustive and progressive way, this book presents the tools for studying local bifurcations of limit cycles in families of planar v...