With so many control freaks in Hollywood with more status and ambition than Python Studios executive Blair Tierney, can she really guide her own destiny? While others in Los Angeles want to be a star, Blair reflects the light of others. When will it be her time to shine?
After meeting a British rock star auditioning for a movie at the studio where she works, the relationship gets off to a rocky start when an earthquake hits Los Angeles. Then her best friend Carolyn becomes engaged and her ex-boyfriend Brogan pitches a project, which becomes a smash hit, making him obscenely rich. On the...
With so many control freaks in Hollywood with more status and ambition than Python Studios executive Blair Tierney, can she really guide her own desti...
With so many control freaks in Hollywood with more status and ambition than Python Studios executive Blair Tierney, can she really guide her own destiny? While others in Los Angeles want to be a star, Blair reflects the light of others. When will it be her time to shine?
After meeting a British rock star auditioning for a movie at the studio where she works, the relationship gets off to a rocky start when an earthquake hits Los Angeles. Then her best friend Carolyn becomes engaged and her ex-boyfriend Brogan pitches a project, which becomes a smash hit, making him obscenely rich. On the...
With so many control freaks in Hollywood with more status and ambition than Python Studios executive Blair Tierney, can she really guide her own desti...
Redneck Caviar is kind of a reference to the better things us country folk get to enjoy. In this case it refering to BBQ. It ain't your standard recipe book. In fact the book encourages folks to use their own imagination regarding seasonings, and sauce. This book is written on a beer scale located on the back of the book. It's got drinkin games, and ideas on how to look sober. Redneck Caviar is written in the same slang we all talk, and every one metioned, every story, and the pictures of the folks in it are real. Just normal get togethers like always. The book will tell you how to start the...
Redneck Caviar is kind of a reference to the better things us country folk get to enjoy. In this case it refering to BBQ. It ain't your standard recip...
Laboratory data of free surface elevations and fluid velocities were obtained using a laser-Doppler velocimeter for the case of a periodic wave plunging over an impermeable, 1:10 slope with a fixed bottom roughness. The measurements were conducted over 15 cross-shore locations from the outer surf zone to the swash zone with approximately 10 vertical points at each location, including the bottom boundary layer and some points above the trough level. Various hydrodynamic quantities, including the ensemble averaged turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence intensities, were estimated to better...
Laboratory data of free surface elevations and fluid velocities were obtained using a laser-Doppler velocimeter for the case of a periodic wave plungi...