The Irish King of Winter Hill is the story of the rise and fall James J. "Buddy" McLean, from his humble beginnings as a hardworking truck driver in Boston, to leading the original and now infamous Winter Hill Gang, to his untimely murder in 1965. He will best be remembered for eliminating the McLaughlin Gang from Charlestown during the 1960s McLean-McLaughlin Irish gang war. Buddy, who worked on the Boston docks in the late 1950s and early 1960s with his father's union card, was also a teamster from Local No. 25. This was a time when gangsters ran the docks. This story is written by Michael...
The Irish King of Winter Hill is the story of the rise and fall James J. "Buddy" McLean, from his humble beginnings as a hardworking truck driver in B...
Traversing a 30-year friendship, Years of Sunlight is a haunting cry for those left feeling shipwrecked from their old communities and abandoned by the post-industrial political system.
Traversing a 30-year friendship, Years of Sunlight is a haunting cry for those left feeling shipwrecked from their old communities and abandoned by th...