The history of economic is a subject that is huge! There are thousands and thousands of pages, hundreds of books, and hundreds of scholars that have contributed to the subject of economic thought. In fact, most higher learning textbooks require at least two semesters (one year) of study to get through them. This book simply attempts to capture some of the most significant contributions made to economic thought as dictated by some of the most renowned scholars. The purpose of this book is to provide key contributions made by economic scholars, especially since the time of Adam Smith. ...
The history of economic is a subject that is huge! There are thousands and thousands of pages, hundreds of books, and hundreds of scholars that have c...
The main purpose of this study is to discuss "technological learning" on firm level. We present a summary of various models, mechanisms, and channels of "technological learning." Then, we put forward basic selected views on these topics and discuss the importance of technological learning for firms in markets. In this study, we investigate the concept of "technological learning" at both industrial level and social level. We accept the fact that many underdeveloped countries are technologically dependent on developed countries. Such dependency exerts its impact upon political, economic, and...
The main purpose of this study is to discuss "technological learning" on firm level. We present a summary of various models, mechanisms, and channels ...