Django is the leading Python web application development framework. Learn how to leverage the Django web framework to its full potential in this advanced tutorial and reference. Endorsed by Django, Pro Django more or less picks up where The Definitive Guide to Django left off and examines in greater detail the unusual and complex problems that Python web application developers can face and how to solve them.
Provides in-depth information about advanced tools and techniques available in every Django installation
Runs the gamut from the theory of...
Django is the leading Python web application development framework. Learn how to leverage the Django web framework to its full potential in this ad...
Acknowledgments I wouldn't have even started this project if not for the endless encouragement from my lovely wife, Angel. She's been my sounding board, my task manager, my copy editor and my own personal cheerleader. There's no way I could do anything like this without her help and support. I'd also like to thank my technical reviewer, George, for everything he's done to help me out. He's gone above and beyond the limits of his role, helping with everything from code to grammar and even a good bit of style. After enjoying his help on Pro Django, I wouldn't have even signed on for another...
Acknowledgments I wouldn't have even started this project if not for the endless encouragement from my lovely wife, Angel. She's been my sounding boar...
Learn how to leverage Django, the leading Python web application development framework, to its full potential in this advanced tutorial and reference. Updated for Django 1.5 and Python 3, Pro Django, Second Edition examines in great detail the complex problems that Python web application developers can face and how to solve them. It provides in-depth information about advanced tools and techniques available in every Django installation, running the gamut from the theory of Django's internal operations to actual code that solves real-world problems for high-volume environments.
Learn how to leverage Django, the leading Python web application development framework, to its full potential in this advanced tutorial and reference....