On behalf of KES International and the KES 2009 Organising Committee we are very pleased to present these volumes, the proceedings of the 13th Inter- tional Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, held at the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, University of Chile, in Santiago de Chile. This year, the broad focus of the KES annual conference was on intelligent applications, emergent intelligent technologies and generic topics relating to the theory, methods, tools and techniques of intelligent systems. This covers a wide range of interests,...
On behalf of KES International and the KES 2009 Organising Committee we are very pleased to present these volumes, the proceedings of the 13th Inter- ...
The term Web Intelligence is de?ned as a new line of scienti?c research and development, whichisusedtoexplorethefundamentalrolesandpractical- pactofArti?cialIntelligence togetherwithadvancedInformationTechnology and its e?ect on the future generations of Web-empowered products. These include systems, services, amongst other activities, all of which are carried out by the Web Intelligence Consortium (http: //wi-consortium.org/). Web Intelligence was ?rst coined in the late 1999 s. From that time, many new algorithms, methods and techniques were developedand used extracting both knowledge and...
The term Web Intelligence is de?ned as a new line of scienti?c research and development, whichisusedtoexplorethefundamentalrolesandpractical- pactofAr...
The term Web Intelligence is de?ned as a new line of scienti?c research and development, whichisusedtoexplorethefundamentalrolesandpractical- pactofArti?cialIntelligence togetherwithadvancedInformationTechnology and its e?ect on the future generations of Web-empowered products. These include systems, services, amongst other activities, all of which are carried out by the Web Intelligence Consortium (http: //wi-consortium.org/). Web Intelligence was ?rst coined in the late 1999 s. From that time, many new algorithms, methods and techniques were developedand used extracting both knowledge and...
The term Web Intelligence is de?ned as a new line of scienti?c research and development, whichisusedtoexplorethefundamentalrolesandpractical- pactofAr...