Pok'along, a very inquisitive rabbit, meets two individuals, Ground Hog and Charlie the Chicken. Though Pok'along has never seen anything like these two individuals, the strangers become friends, and together they travel the forest searching for a path to the top of the mountain. Discovering the Valley of the Digadoos, they must confront the council of elders and cross the kingdoms belonging to Tarifess, the prince of evil, and that of his brother, Goda. Death will accompany the three in their travels, obstacles will block their progress, but their strong bond of friendship will help to see...
Pok'along, a very inquisitive rabbit, meets two individuals, Ground Hog and Charlie the Chicken. Though Pok'along has never seen anything like these t...
Todash has been taken prisoner by the creatures from the Land of Noso, where the Digadoos are fearful of going. Again Tarifess, the Lord of Darkness, may be involved, but Maetoo doesn't know for sure. If anyone can help locate Todash, discover the truth, and stand a chance of returning Todash to the Valley of the Digadoos, it is Pok'along, Ground Hog, Charlie, and Hoot. Once strangers, they are now friends, who together can help fight Tarifess in the Land of Noso and find a way back to the Valley of the Digadoos.
Todash has been taken prisoner by the creatures from the Land of Noso, where the Digadoos are fearful of going. Again Tarifess, the Lord of Darkness, ...