"Benjamin Manry and the Curse of Blood Bones" tells of the interwoven fates of Blood Bones, Captain Arthur F. Nelson, and our young hero-to-be, Benjamin Manry. At seventeen, Ben, his brother Harris, and their best friend Sal discover a map written in red dye. It leads them to the cursed treasure of Blood Bones, the ferocious pirate famously hunted by all of Britain in the 1700s.
The three adventurers travel back in time to 1763 and join the crew of the Frendrich in the quest for Blood Bones. Little do the time travelers know, but they are an integral part of the curse on the treasure....
"Benjamin Manry and the Curse of Blood Bones" tells of the interwoven fates of Blood Bones, Captain Arthur F. Nelson, and our young hero-to-be, Ben...
To become a man is to make a name for yourself... but what if that name was already taken? What lengths would you go to fulfill your destiny? --Benjamin Manry After discovering a cursed pirate treasure and being sent back in time to 1763, seventeen-year-old Benjamin Manry, his older brother, and his best friend have joined the reputable Captain Arthur F. Nelson as privateers. Now Ben has been promoted to first officer aboard HMS Courtesy, and a new mission awaits them. But instead of scouring the seas to rid the New World of pirates, King George III has something different in mind: the...
To become a man is to make a name for yourself... but what if that name was already taken? What lengths would you go to fulfill your destiny? --Be...