Seasons is a compilation of 90 inspirational devotions and thought-provoking writings, penned with humour, wisdom and compassion. Through powerful imagery that is often allegorical, this thought-provoking devotional will challenge you to consider a delightful myriad of uplifting possibilities:
God desires an intimate relationship with His creation.
God is good, He is on your side and His intention has always been to bless you.
Your fears and your insecurities, your hopes and your dreams matter to God.
"God not only calls us friends, but He also invites us into His inner circle. Yes, there is a risk involved if you accept that invitation. He'll lead you out of your comfort zone. He'll turn your life inside out and upside down. The risk is worth it " We all want the type of friend who know us inside and out. A friend who loves us despite all our quirks and failings. Such a bond is costly. To have such a friend, you must be such a friend. Such a friend is willing to sacrifice. Such a friend courageously risks rejection by choosing to open the door to their heart. You...
"God not only calls us friends, but He also invites us into His inner circle. Yes, there is a risk involved if you accept that invitation. He'll le...