Themethodologyfordesigninghigh-performancecompositestructuresisstill evo- ing. The complexity of the response of composite materials and the dif?culties in predicting the composite material properties from the basic properties of the c- stituents result in the need for a well-planned and exhaustive test program. The recommended practice to mitigate the technological risks associated with advanced composite materials is to substantiate the performance and durability of the design in a sequence of steps known as the Building Block Approach. The Building Block Approach ensures that cost and...
Themethodologyfordesigninghigh-performancecompositestructuresisstill evo- ing. The complexity of the response of composite materials and the dif?culti...
This book contains twelve selected papers presented at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - Mechanical Response of Composites, and the papers presented by the three plenary speakers.
It describes recent advances in the field of analysis models for the mechanical response of advanced composite materials, ranging from the simulation of the manufacturing process to the inelastic response and collapse of the material. The analysis models are based on recent advances in computational mechanics such as multi-scale modeling, cohesive and partition of unity models.
This book contains twelve selected papers presented at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - Mechanical Response of Composites, and the papers presente...