AsiaInformationRetrievalSymposium(AIRS)2008wasthefourthAIRSconf- ence in the series established in 2004.The ?rst AIRS washeld in Beijing, China, the second in Jeju, Korea, and the third in Singapore. The AIRS conferences trace their roots to the successful Information Retrieval with Asian Languages (IRAL) workshops, which started in 1996. The AIRS series aims to bring together international researchers and dev- opers to exchange new ideas and the latest results in information retrieval. The scope of the conference encompasses the theory and practice of all aspects of information retrieval in...
AsiaInformationRetrievalSymposium(AIRS)2008wasthefourthAIRSconf- ence in the series established in 2004.The ?rst AIRS washeld in Beijing, China, the s...
Semantic Matching in Search is a systematic and detailed introduction to newly developed machine learning technologies for query document matching (semantic matching) in search, particularly in web search. It focuses on the fundamental problems, as well as the state-of-the-art solutions of query document matching on form aspect, phrase aspect, word sense aspect, topic aspect, and structure aspect. Matching between query and document is not limited to search, and similar problems can be found in question answering, online advertising, cross-language information retrieval, machine translation,...
Semantic Matching in Search is a systematic and detailed introduction to newly developed machine learning technologies for query document matching (se...